#Giveaway Teleflora Celebrates Mother’s Day! #LoveOutLoud #MothersDayGiftGuide

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Teleflora Celebrates Fearless Moms This Mother’s Day With New “Love Makes A Mom” #MothersDayGiftGuide 


Pay tribute to mom for rising up to the challenge with Teleflora’s new beautiful Mother’s Day bouquet collection

It’s hard to believe that Mother’s Day is almost here. It’s such a beautiful holiday in my eyes and the one day of the year I know I will be spoiled rotten by the family. Over the years our family has celebrated Mother’s Day in many ways but one of my favorite things about the day is getting flowers. I absolutely love flowers! Going out to dinner or brunch is very nice, but if I had to choose, it would always be flowers. It’s hard to resist them! Honestly I don’t even have a favorite flower, they are all so beautiful.

When it comes to being a mom, love conquers all. Every day moms wake up ready to take on challenges and are willing to do what it takes to fight uphill battles for their family with courage, strength and determination. Regardless of their background or status, moms pursue the same very special mission: to love their children unconditionally. Teleflora, the world’s leading floral delivery service, today unveiled its new Mother’s Day bouquet lineup and is honoring all sacrifices and fearless acts of love this Mother’s Day with the launch of the “Love Makes a Mom” campaign.



Love Makes a Mom” is part of Teleflora’s overarching “Love Out Loud” brand platform, which launched during Christmas 2017. The Mother’s Day campaign will introduce three sixty-second videos featuring fearless moms who earned their title with incredible displays of love in the face of adversity. Launching on April 30 just in time for Mother’s Day across YouTube, Facebook and Instagram, each video will focus on the stories of various moms with unique backgrounds or challenges. This series of videos is the newest addition to the collection of critically acclaimed online videos Teleflora has created in the past three years.


“Moms take on immense challenges and perform incredible acts of love for their families regardless of the situations they are facing,” said Kelly McKeone, vice president of consumer and florist marketing at Teleflora. “Through this series of videos, Teleflora is paying tribute to moms by putting a spotlight on the situations they  fearlessly tackle. And for that, we should be loving out loud on Mother’s Day and every day.”


According to the National Retail Federation (NRF), flowers ranked among the top three gifts last year with 68.5 percent of consumers planning to purchase flowers for mom. This follows the overall floral gifting trend in past years and as one of the most popular gifts, Teleflora stands out with its new Mother’s Day 2018 collection of bouquets in gorgeously designed keepsake containers. From classic arrangements bursting with bright colors to subtle stylish touches, there is something beautifully unique for every mom.


Teleflora’s new Mother’s Day new floral bouquet lineup includes:

(All Mother’s Day 2018 bouquets are now available for sale at Teleflora.com in standard, deluxe or premium size options.)


Teleflora’s Winged Beauty Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $59.95)

Bring all the elegance of a peaceful Victorian garden into the home with this spectacular arrangement. A luxurious mix of pink roses, chrysanthemums and soft purple accents are nestled within a gorgeous ceramic vase featuring soft brushstroke lines and an embossed hummingbird medallion mom will love.


Teleflora’s All Eyes on You Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $74.95)

Honor mom’s timeless devotion with a stunning floral arrangement filled with fresh roses, pink lilies and a variety of purple blooms. Delivered in a hand-blown one-of-a-kind glass vase, this piece is sure to make an unforgettable impression on Mother’s Day.


Teleflora’s Country Beauty Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $49.95)

Surprise mom with the rustic charm of a beautiful floral bouquet brimming with crème carnations, fresh pink blooms and seasonal stems. This 2-in-1 gift arrives in a functional hand-glazed stoneware crock that is perfect as a decorative piece and is also FDA-approved to safely serve and store food.


Teleflora’s Wildflower in Flight Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $39.95)

Remind mom how special and beautiful she is with this whimsical French garden inspired floral arrangement. Wrapped in poetic script and a striking dragonfly in midflight, this exclusive glass cube brings together old-word charm and contemporary European style.


Teleflora’s Heart’s Pirouette Bouquet (Available on Teleflora.com for $94.95)

Celebrate the greatest mom in the world with this elegant treasure overflowing with soft pink roses, fragrant white lilies and lavender cushion spray chrysanthemums nestled in an exquisite azure glass vase.

Love Out Loud this Mother’s Day by sending a beautiful bouquet by Teleflora – all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. To place your order, please visit www.teleflora.com.


About Teleflora

Say everything and share your “Love Out Loud”™ with the gift of Teleflora® flowers – all made by hand and delivered by hand by your local florist. By tapping over 10,000 member florists in North America alone, Teleflora offers the kind of personal touches, artistry and expertise you expect from a trusted neighborhood florist—even if that neighborhood is across the country. No prepackaged flowers in nondescript boxes dropped on your doorstep—Teleflora’s network of professional florists create artistic arrangements personally delivered in a vase, often on the same day. Teleflora makes every day an occasion with a 2-in-1 gift that includes a multi-purpose keepsake container for long-lasting enjoyment. Follow Teleflora on Facebook and tag your own #LoveOutLoud moment.

GIVEAWAY: Please enter on the rafflecopter below. Giveaway is for a $75 gift code to Teleflora and includes delivery charges. Giveaway ends 11:59 pm on May 4th, 2018. Gift code expires May 10th at midnight. Good Luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Disclosure: All opinions are that of Diane Sullivan and honest. They do not reflect the views of the parent company represented. Flowers provided by Teleflora. Contact me at 3decades3kids@gmail.com or @3decades3kids across all social media networks.

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  1. liz says

    What I really want for mother’s day is to spend time with my husband and kids- maybe go out to dinner or and event or an experience of some kind 🙂 Just being together is awesome!

  2. elizabeth miller says

    I want to go out to dinner for Mother’s Day. We do not go out hardly ever for dinner since my husband got salmonella poisoning at a restraunt last year.

  3. Marie Miller says

    For Mother’s Day, I’d love it if all my boys were home for the day and then go out for a nice dinner. Flowers would be the icing on the cake. 🙂

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