Disney Hyperion Charlie & Frog Blog Tour!
Reading has always been one of my great loves. Is there anything better than being whisked away into a magical world inside your own head created by words on a page? Proudly I can say that I have passed that same love of print onto my own three children. Now that my youngest daughter has hit the tween years we are constantly in search of something interesting to read. I say we because I usually read along, too. Maybe it’s from spending over twenty years as a classroom teacher maybe it’s just because I love to read any book I can get my hands on.
As much as my daughter loves her online fun she cannot wait to see what books are newly out on the shelves. She loves to visit the bookstores and browse the shelves in search of the perfect read! If she had it her way she would leave the store with a towering pile of books so I have to limit her to three (okay, maybe four, or five?). Recently I have partnered with Disney-Hyperion to review some of there young adult books. My daughter could not be any happier than she is right now with the news.
Our latest read is Charlie & Frog A Mystery by Karen Kane. I have to say up front that we are just entering the Disney-Hyperion young adult world of books. I’m amazed at the incredible assortment of good books there are to choose from. So, sit back and come along with us as we create a book list you can choose from with your own tween at home.
Now, please do not worry about spoilers here. I won’t be giving you the details of the book but I will get you enough information that you can make a clear choice on if the book is something you want to read. Let’s face it, there’s something for everyone. This book just happens to be right up our alley in this family. Charlie & Frog: A Mystery captured my interest form the cover alone. It’s hard for me to resist a mystery, so I knew that my daughter would be caught immediately, too! As soon as I showed it to her she grabbed it up and wanted to start reading.
Although Karen Kane is a new author, she seems to have a piece of her heart included in this story. Karen is a sign language interpreter at Gallaudet University. This is her first novel. The beginning and end papers of the book include the American Sign Language alphabet. Each chapter features hand sign illustrations by Deaf illustrator Carlisle Robinson. This can help the readers become familiar with American Sign Language and even practice it. I know that before Emily and I even began to read the book we both practiced signing our names and words to each other. It gave us a little background on the story and really allowed us to be immersed in the lives of the characters we were about to meet within the pages of this new book.
The book centers around Charlie Tickler (love the name) and his friend Francine Castle as we know as Frog, and so forms the team, Charlie & Frog! Frog works inside the Flying Hands Cafe and happens to be deaf. She is a whiz at sign language but would much rather be a detective than stuck working at the cafe. Charlie is a kid who wishes had parents that would spend more time with him, actually any time with him would be nice at this point. Charlie’s parents are constantly traveling the world helping animals while he is left home with his TV watching grandparents. They seem to have a serious daily routine going on and Charlie definitely does not fit into it.
Although Charlie wants more attention from his parents they leave him once again to fly away to South Africa while he is left home with his grandparents and the cleaning lady, none of them that really want him there. Charlie decides to adventure out the little town, Castle-On-The-Hudson where he is given a mysterious message in sign language from a terrified woman he meets at the library. This where the fun begins. Did I mention that Charlie does not know anything about sign language, well maybe just a few signs, but not many? There is hope though, Frog is an expert in sign language and ready to help solve this case when the woman disappears! Charlie needs to learn sign language so he can help solve the mystery and solve each clue left behind.
Charlie & Frog: A Mystery is a great young adult book. It’s great for both girls and boys and has the reader tying to solve the mystery along side the main characters. The book touches on friendship, working together, growing up and helping others. My daughter enjoyed the book and we had plenty to discuss throughout the events taking place throughout the story. There were many times where I would say, “What would you do?”. This book is great as a read alone or a shared read with family or friends. It also opens up young adults to the world of Sign Language. This is definitely a book your children will love to read.
You can enjoy Charlie & Frog: A Mystery by Karen Kane (Disney-Hyperion; On Sale: April 10, 2018). The book is available at your favorite book store or online at (click here : https:Charlie-Frog-
Disclosure: Diane Sullivan was invited by Disney-Hyperion to be part of the Charlie & Frog: A Mystery Blog Tour. We are honored to be a part of this Blog Tour. All opinions are honest and do not represent the views of the parent company represented. Contact me at 3decades3kids@gmail.com or @3decades3kids across all social media networks.
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