Disney Hyperion Burning Magic- A Shadow Magic Novel Author Joshua Khan Guest Post
This post is Part Three of our Disney Hyperion Blog Tour! We have been honored to be a part of this book tour. As you may have already guessed, reading is big in our family and in my life. Being a former teacher of twenty years plus and a mom of three there is nothing better than a book in our house. The internet is great but a book opens your mind and sparks your own imagination. I love that when you read you can make your own movie in your mind. There is something unique about reading that can never be replaced. I’m also a huge fan of holding a book in my hands and turning pages. If you are not a book fan maybe you just have not found the right book for you.
When Disney Hyperion invited me to be a part of their Blog Tour I was so so excited. When they invited me to have the author of Burning Magic – A Shadow Magic Novel to write a guest post on my blog I was beyond elated!! How exciting! So, here it goes. The following post is brought to you by Guest Writer, Joshua Khan!!!! The thrill of getting a one on one peek into Joshua’s mind is really awesome.
So, we asked Joshua to come up with a Book Playlist for Burning Magic! Check out his guest post below and ENJOY!
(Beginning of Guest Post)
Book Playlist for Burning Magic- A Shadow Magic Novel BY Joshua Khan (Author of Burning Magic)
1. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien
2. Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell by Suzanne Clarke
3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by JK Rowling
4. Conan the Adventurer by RE Howards
5. Dune by Frank Herbert
6. Game of Thrones by GRR Martin
All of the above books have played a part in the creation of the Shadow Magic trilogy. The Hobbit remains, to me, the best children’s book and best fantasy book of all time. I’ve read it dozens of times and each is a thrill all over again. Too many magical moments to mention.
The Conan books are pure adventure, and very clever world building too, taking random bits and pieces from mythology and the ancient world and mixing it all up. It shouldn’t work, but it does!
Suzanne Clarkes magnificent epic deals with the tricky nature of dealing with the fae folk, and I’ve never entered a world quite as Macabre and as magical as the one she created.
What can I say about Harry Potter that hasn’t been said before? Anyway, I think Hogwarts is a brilliant creation and was an inspiration behind Castle Gloom in the Shadow Magic books.
Dune and Game of Thrones deal with similar themes, the battle for power. All different nobles houses fighting it out, sometimes with blades, but others times with politics and treachery. The Shadow Magic world is controlled by six houses of magic and the same battles and conflicts take place.
(End of Guest Post)
Wow, Joshua! That is some list. I’m happy to say that I have slayed all of the above mentioned titles with our without my own children. Those are some amazing titles and I can see how they can inspire anyone. Thank you for guest posting on my blog! Maybe someday I will have the pleasure of meeting Joshua in person. If I do, I definitely will have my books in hand for some signing to happen! Burning Magic is available in print and ebook at your favorite book store or online. Find out more about Burning Magic- A Shadow Magic Novel here (click here–>) : https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb
Disclosure: Diane Sullivan was invited by Disney-Hyperion to be part of the Burning Magic- A Shadow Magic Novel Blog Tour. We are honored to be a part of this Blog Tour. All opinions are honest and do not represent the views of the parent company represented. Contact me at 3decades3kids@gmail.com or @3decades3kids across all social media networks.
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