Macys Flower Show! Now in NYC! @Macys #FlowerShow #FamilyFun

Macy’s Flower Show
Now Through April 6th
Every year in NYC something very spectacular happens on 34th Street.
You would never expect to find a magical world of flowers inside the walls of Macy’s.
The outside windows will give you a little hint of what lies inside the magic of Macy’s.
Flowers from around the world adorn the aisles and doorways and the floral displays do not 
end on the main floor they go through the entire store, every floor with a different theme.

If you have a chance to visit Macy’s NYC Flower Show don’t miss this spectacular 
event taking place now through April 6th. There is something for everyone inside 
The Secret Garden. Check out more about the Macy’s Flower Show
 here and even send a Petal Gram!
See you inside The Secret Garden…
By the way, there are plenty of special events to catch when you visit. 
Please don’t miss the grand entrance where you can find the beautiful Rose Dress 
made from over 5,000 red roses! 
Now that’s a dress I would love to hang in my closet!
Disclosure: This is a personal post of our #FamilyFunWeekend Series.
This post is not sponsored. We love the Macy’s Flower Show 
and have visited it for many years.
All opinions are that of Diane Sullivan and completely honest. 
Please contact me at or on 
Twitter and everywhere else as  .@3decades3kids.