Build A Bear Making My Little Pony- Rarity! @Buildabear #Buildabear #MLP #MyLittlePony #MaxineClark #DisneySMMoms

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Build A Bear
Making My Little Pony
Mom and Em Learn a Valuable Lesson
From Maxine Clark
If there is one thing you must already know about my daughter, it’s that she adores Build A Bear Workshop!
If there was a way for her to make every single bear, cat, dog, butterfly, etc at Build A Bear she would definitely do it! On our recent trip to Disneyland with Disney Social Media Moms Maxine Clark happened to be one of the speakers at our conference. I’m not sure if I mentioned this but Emily ended up in the hospital when during the DisneySMMoms Celebration. After an all night run to the local emergency room, Em ended up with an ear infection in both ears. She also ended up in a wheelchair for three days because of the dizziness the medications and infection. Since she was stationed with my hubby at the Disneyland Hotel where the conference was held she was constantly on my mind during the conference. 

When the announcement came that we were breaking for lunch my hubby and Emily came to meet me. It also happened to be perfect timing for the Anna and Elsa meet and greet. Em was off to the side in her wheelchair and waiting until all the official conference moms had their chance to meet the Frozen duo.
When I called Em later to ask if she had a great time meeting Anna and Elsa her was response was not how great that was, but how amazing it was to meet Maxine Clark! It seems Maxine took a few moments to meet Anna and Elsa and also took a minute to chat with Emily. Little did Maxine Clark know, but she was actually chatting with one of her biggest fans! Em could not stop talking about how she met Maxine. As if that was not kind enough just to take the time to out of her busy schedule, she gave Emily her email address and told her to email when she felt better and she would send her a surprise. Seriously? I told Emily it was just something that people say. But of course since she is so versed on the computer she kept nagging at me to email. Finally weeks later, I let her send the email to Maxine and believe or not, she remembered her!
Flash forward a little package arrived, hand written, from Maxine Clark! What a precious, precious woman!
She not only taught Emily about believing in someone, she taught her mama a lesson, too!!
What a wonderful and thoughtful woman to stand behind her beliefs and help my daughter to see the good in people. 

So, you can imagine what happened next, right? The gift card came and off to the mall we headed. Directly to Build A Bear Workshop. Emily loves My Little Pony and she has been wanting Rarity since it debuted in early April. As bad as she wanted her, it is never easy for her to decide what new friend to choose. She did go with Rarity and was thrilled to be able to stuff her! She made a wish on the heart that, “All children could be as happy as she was at that moment”. What a moment. Then she chose to scent her with strawberry and add some music that is exclusive to Rarity. After the stuffing station Em fluffed her new friend, dressed her and registered her. What a wonderful day in every way. 
Disclosure: This is a 3decades3kids/DianeSullivan Personal Post. No compensation was given for this post.
Contact me at or .@3decades3kids everywhere else!

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