Giveaway Teleflora’s Hotline Helps Get The Love Note Just Right This Valentine’s Day! (1-844-IT-IS-LOVE)
Love is something that is celebrated in my house and my marriage. Hubby and I have been married over 25 years and love being in love. Throughout the years one of the staples of our relationship has been hubby always surprising me with flowers. Sometimes gorgeous arrangements, sometimes bouquets, and sometimes just a single rose, but there is just something so sweet about the doorbell ringing and flowers being on the other side of the door. The flowers above were delivered the other day and my heart just melted. Maybe it was the scent of the beautiful red roses, maybe it was the two hearts that adorned the vase, maybe it was the thought of Love…..Love and Valentine’s Day being around the corner. Whatever it was, it was an incredible feeling that only Teleflora could deliver.
Since many of my favorite memories take place during the month of February, it’s a big month around here. Hubby and I had our first date many moons ago on Feb. 13th, we were engaged on Feb. 5th, and our first baby was born during Feb, not to mention Valentine’s Day! I was thrilled to hear about Teleflora’s First Ever Love Note Concierge will be debuting this February 3rd! This new complimentary Hotline Helps Valentines Across America Write Personalized, Heartwarming Notes to Accompany Their Beautiful Bouquets. I mean who doesn’t need a little bit of help putting the words down onto paper? Sometimes it’s in your mind but transferring those beautiful thoughts onto paper can be challenging. Teleflora is here to help! They make ordering bouquets simple…it’s the love note that’s tough! As Teleflora’s Valentine’s Day gift to America, the all-new, FREE “Love Note Concierge” (1-844-IT-IS-LOVE) debuts on February 3rd – 12th just in time to save Valentine’s Day!
For more than 80 years, Teleflora, the world’s leading flower delivery service, has delivered flowers to millions of Valentines across America. Every year, while ordering beautiful bouquets gets easier, consumers struggle to craft that personal, special and important accompanying note! Now, thanks to the talented, thoughtful team at Teleflora’s “Love Note Concierge,” writing the perfect sentiment is easier than ever with a personal coach to help you express everything you want to say to your loved one. And there’s no charge, no purchase, no strings, just words of love! “Yes, ‘Love Note Concierge’ is free, friendly and just a phone call away,” exclaimed David Dancer, Teleflora’s executive vice president and head of marketing. “Valentine’s Day is hard enough without having to struggle to find the perfect gift and the perfect words, so we’re here to deliver both!”
Sure to be a Valentine’s Day essential, Teleflora’s “Love Note Concierge” is an important part of how the brand helps consumers everywhere explore “What Is Love?”. This theme is highlighted in Teleflora’s all-new video set to debut on February 1st, which captures the countless acts and expressions of love that touch our hearts and enrich our lives.Teleflora’s breathtaking new collection of 2016 Valentine’s Day bouquets make expressing your one-of-a-kind love so easy and meaningful. All of Teleflora’s sweet and stunning Valentine’s Day 2016 bouquets are available on now.
In addition to your soul mate it is also a wonderful time to send flowers to anyone you love! Valentine’s Day is a day to celebrate love! There is something for everyone- including best friends, your mom, sister, favorite aunt, daughter and whoever you love! So grab your phone and call (1-844-IT-IS-LOVE) to chat with a “Love Note Concierge”. I am definitely calling to see how I can be inspired to get the words I need this Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day! xoxoxo
GIVEAWAY: We have a wonderful giveaway thanks to the amazing folks at Teleflora. They are definitely showing love to the 3decades3kids readers offering one lucky person a $100 gift code to use at This giveaway ends at 11:59pm on February 7th. The winner will be notified by email on the morning of Feb. 8th and have 24 hours to respond and claim code. 18+/USA. Thank you. Gift Code provided by Teleflora. Giveaway hosted by Diane Sullivan. Please enter on the Rafflecopter below.
Disclosure: Diane Sullivan/ 3decades3kids is a Teleflora partner blog. All opinions are my own and completely honest. No compensation was given for this post. Flowers were provided for the purpose of review. A media invite was provided to a very special Tea Party event in NYC. Please contact me at and @3decades3kids everywhere else across social media.