March 10 is National Mario Day- #mar10day Nintendo is such a big part of our lives around here. I mean with two Nintendo Kid Reviewers in the house, how can it be anything else? You with think with being so into Nintendo we would know allthe ins and outs, but we were totally taken by surprise when a box arrived this morning! Nintendo is always sending goodies to the reviewers but we had no clue what this one was all about.
We came to happily to find out that March 10th, ifyou take MAR and add 10 to it, you come up with mar10!! Love it! Happy National MAR10 Day! We will be celebrating all day long with games, fun and thanks to Nintendo, some Mar10 cake pops! Check out all things Nintendo here:
Take a look at this video Nintendo made to celebrate #Mar10day It will definitely put a smile on your face and magic in your heart!
Disclsoure: Diane Sullivan/3decades3kids is a Nintendo Partner Blog. Adam and Emily are official Nintendo Kid Reviewers and offer honest opinions from a kid’s point of view. No compensation was given for this post. Surprises arrive via mail from Nintendo as part of the reviewer program. Thank you Nintendo. Contact me at and @3decades3kids everywhere else across social media channels.