You Are Invited To The Virtual Advance Screening of Finding You! RSVP Here!

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You Are Invited To The Virtual Advance Screening of Finding You! RSVP Here!


Get our popcorn ready, here we go! We would like to invite you to an exclusive advance virtual screening of Roadside Attractions’ FINDING YOU on Wednesday, May 12th at 7PM EST. FINDING YOU is an inspirational romantic drama full of heart and humor about finding the strength to be true to oneself. Set in the Irish countryside, the film explores an unexpected relationship between a talented musician (Rose Reid) and a Hollywood heartthrob (Jedidiah Goodacre). 

If you would like to attend email me at with “FINDING YOU” in the subject lined and I will send you the RSVP link and code. You need to pre-register ASAP to hold your spot!  FINDING YOU virtual screening. We have 25 family spots so first come, first served! You can RSVP to view the film via Eventive on the day of the screening. Similarly to a traditional screening, the film will begin at 7PM and play fully without pause.   

I have included more information on the film below and link to its trailer!

Disclosure: Diane Sullivan/3decades3kids is a “Finding You movie” Partner blog. All  opinions are that of Diane and do not reflect the views of the partner company represented. Tweet us at @3decades3kids to let us know how you liked the  Movie! #MovieNight   Information provided via Finding You.


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