25 Years Ago Hubby Asked!

25 Years Ago Hubby Asked Me To Marry Him..
And I Said Yessssssss!
PS- He Asks Me Every Year on Feb 5th
 and Every Year I Say Yessssssssss!!!
February 5th was an ordinary day until twenty five years ago.
Since I was a child, I knew one thing, I always wanted to fall in love, get married and have children. 
Maybe it was the influence of the Barbies, the dollies, playing house or my mom being a housewife, but something just always had me daydreaming of the days ahead. 
Flash forward to the dating game. After a few frogs, I found my soul mate, my other half.
We did not start out dating. I was his friend, his best friend. But then, something changed.
We decided to take that leap of faith, that chance that you really don’t want to risk sometimes when you have a friend that’s a guy that you really love as a friend. 
Then we dated, and dated and dated and dated and dated. It was much too long of a dating period for me. But anyone in a relationship knows that it has to be the “right time” for both people.
So, on February 5th, 25 years ago hubby took me out to brunch at our favorite place in Tarrytown, NY.
We took a little walk when we arrived and  went into the gazebo on the grounds.
Hubby got down on his knee and asked me to marry him. It was surreal. 
Of course, as you may have guessed. I said Yessssssssssssssssssssss!!!!
We went into the restaurant and everyone clapped and cheered since they had all witnessed 
the proposal through the glass windows. It was magical. It was right.
It was love and still is. Hubby and I will be celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary later on this year.
We were engaged and married within the same year.
Sad part of the story: I have hubby but I don’t have the ring. When Emily was about two she was helping me clean and threw everything on our little corner table in the garbage, including my 1.5 karat heart shaped diamond ring and anniversary band. The insurance covered zero!! 
Someday…I may get engaged again…
I can deal with that…I’m glad hubby is still here..25 years later.
PS: He still asks me every Feb. 5th to marry him..and I still say Yessssssssssssssss!!!
Disclosure: Personal Post written by Diane Sullivan.
Contact me at ELGeorgia@aol.com.