Book Signing with Tori Spelling
Borders, NYC
About a week ago my family and I decided to take a trip to the Borders, Columbus Circle, NYC for a book signing with Tori Spelling. It turned out to be a great experience! We Loved It!
When we arrived at the Borders, we were told that we needed to purchase Tori’s latest book, Uncharted TerriTORI, and then get into the book signing line. The line stretched through the book asiles and curved around different sections of the store. Thank goodness we were somewhere in the first half of the crowd.
The book signing was scheduled from 7-9, but as I hear it lasted almost until midnight. As I was able to get closer, I understood why the line was moving so slowly. Tori took time with each
guest. It was not the usual – not even look up and just sign the copy of my book you just purchased- It was quite a memorable experience. I personally had my two sons and daughter with me, as well as my husband. Tori took the time to talk to each one of us. She even took out her own camera because she thought something was very funny that my sons had with them, Emily’s dolls of the “gunkles”,
which she later tweeted about!
Of course, while I was waiting in line, and when I returned home I had to keep reading the book. Uncharted TerriTORI is an easy read and very enjoyable. If you like the reality show, you will love the book! I did!
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