Congratulations, Adam!
1st Place Winner in FEDCAP’s Words About Work National Poetry Contest!
Back in March, Adam entered FEDCAP’s “Words About Work” poetry contest.
FEDCAP is a nonprofit organization that helps to train and place disabled people into a workplace that is right for them. What a wonderful organization! They have been established since 1935!
Adam received a beautiful letter of congratulations in early April, telling him that he was the grand prize winner for the Children’s poems! What a proud moment!
Adam was invited to read his winning poem, “I Work”, at the FEDCAP’s WordsAboutWork Poetry Slam on April 25, 2010, held at the Bowery Poetry Club, 308 Bowery, Manhattan! He was treated like a King!
I cannot begin to express just how proud I was of Adam that day, and every day! Great job, Adam!
I Work
by Adam Sullivan
I work at school.
I work at home.
I work wherever something’s wrong.
I work at night and mornings, too.
In the afternoon, and even in the month of June.
I work real hard and put play to the side.
To get by, work done today.
Someday, I will work so hard and get paid!
Veronica Lee says
Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog.
Have a nice day!